• Yardım Projem: Boğaziçi Yüzme-2022-Koruncuk-Eğitime El Ver Hayalim Gerçek Olsun
  • Ulaştığım Bağışçı Sayısı: 0
  • Ulaştığım Bağış Tutarı: 0 TL
  • Kampanya Sayfamı Paylaş:

  • Kampanya Koşucu Kodum: CC83497

0 /10.000 TL

Kampanya Hedefim

160.315 /172.000 TL

Koruncuk Vakfı Projesi Hedefi

Neden Koşuyorum

Bosphorus Cross-Continental Swimming Race (Turkish: Boğaziçi Kıtalararası Yüzme Yarışı) is an annual open water swimming event between the continents Europe and Asia held annually at Bosphorus, Istanbul, Turkey. Established in 1989, the event is organized by the Turkish Olympic Committee and sponsored by Samsung.

Being a part of this race was my childhood dream since i started swimming when i was 4. I had to delay participating it for number of years due to unavailability and not being able to meet participation requirements.

After managing swimming 800m in less than 15 minutes, I finally met the requirements and was waiting this important day to come. Finally, last Sunday, I had to the chance of being a part of this race. Feeling the Bosphorus, non-stop swimming while seeing through all of spots that i have many memories was so precious. My target was to be able to finish under 2hrs and i achieved that. Without the support of my friends and family, i would not be able to do that.

Bonnet No:1878
Time: 01:21:11
Total distance: 6.5km

I want to dedicate this race to Koruncuk Vakfi (Koruncuk /Turkish Foundation for Children in Need of Protection). This foundation believes that every child entitled the right to receive compassion, love and understanding, to sufficient nutrition and to live in a healthy environment, to benefit from the possibilities of plays and fun, to receive modern education and to improve his/her skills, in brief, to live in human honor.

I believe in young generation, i believe all deserves equal opportunities, all needs a proper environment where they can find their own way. Not every child is lucky as we are. If you feel the same way, please support them.

Let's celebrate this event all together, and donate for Koruncuk in order to support our future!

Koruncuk Vakfı

Koruncuk Vakfı olarak bu projeyle amacımız, Koruncukköylerde yaşayan ortaöğretim çağındaki kız çocuklarımızın hayallerindeki üniversiteyi kazanabilmeleri için gereken eğitim desteğini sağlamaktır.

Koruncuklarımızın nitelikli ve kesintisiz eğitime erişmesi için gereken destek yıllık 4000 TL'dir.

Eğer sinem gundogdu kalkin isen, şifren ile bu sayfaya giriş yaparsan seni desteklemek için bağış yapanların isimlerini görebilirsin. (Bu liste kişiye özeldir ve sadece kampanyayı açan gönüllü koşucu bu listeyi görebilir.)